sexta-feira, 1 de maio de 2015

Capital Punishment: you light a candle for who?

With the conviction and execution of two Brazilians in Indonesia by drug trafficking crime, it comes up again, the discussion about the capital punishment in our country. In this short article I will not go into the merits of the crime, but the issue of capital punishment and its relationship with the religion of many of our countrymen country.

I understand that a Christian, whether Catholic or evangelical can not be in favor of the death penalty. Christian religions are oriented to forgiveness, to love, to life as soon not match vengeance, hatred and death. I see many Christians, of all ages, defending the death penalty, I have no doubt that they are totally inconsistent and at least do not know what they believe, whether in life or in death.
Or a candle is lit for one side or another. Or deny the capital punishment or deny their religious beliefs. I do not know, in the Bible any passage that justifies the choice of the death penalty.

It is important that society rationally discuss topics like this, so it is democracy.

The main point of this short article is consistency between what we show and what we stand for, Mr. Christian does not match the death penalty, and that's a fact. Who advocates the capital punishment must be coherent, that is, or abandon their religion or fails to defend the death penalty.

Finally, someone asked me if I agreed with the person who killed another person in an assault, or robbery followed by death, robbery, my answer was that why he was a criminal and should be tried according to our laws and would not be me who would judge him or condemn him, of course I did not agree but who should judge and condemn would not be me or him, let alone kill him, it is up to the judiciary.
And you? light a candle for who?

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